viernes, 15 de julio de 2011

Tour de France 2011 - Fotos

Foto: Christophe Ena / AP - Visto en The Big Picture
2011 Tour de Francia, part 1.- "The world's most beautiful stadium - the entire country of France - annually hosts the most important bike race of the year: the Tour de France. Upwards of 12 million fans line the roads to watch the race. For free. No tickets needed. The race traverses over 2000 miles in 21 days of racing. Every year the route changes, but the mountains are a constant: racers must scale absurdly steep peaks in both the Pyrenees and the Alps before a victory race onto the Champs Elysees in Paris. This year's tour may be remembered most for the spate of horrible crashes that have eliminated many of the top riders. Most outrageously, a media car hit a cyclist at speed, causing a horrific crash that sent another rider cartwheeling into a barbed-wire fence. Both riders remounted and finished the stage". The Big Picture.

Tal como dice la nota "el estadio más hermoso del mundo - en todo el país de Francia - acoge cada año la carrera ciclista más importante del año: el Tour de Francia"

Como desde hace unos años, con mi Padre nos prendemos del tele por las tardes para ver el Tour de Francia. Disfrutamos de la competencia en si, y del extraordinario paseo por Francia. Muy recomendable es ingresar a la nota con la serie de fotografías publicadas por The Big Picture.

(CC)Creative Commons

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